varin (49)
Logibet index
3323/ 4758
26282628 / 4066
764764 / 1569
15991599 / 1599
Avg. odds
Win rate
40.55% Won55.94% Lost3.51% Money back
Tip count30979
  • Recommended stake system:

    1 unit = 0.5%10 units = 5%

    Detailed stats from 2020: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n8Lzz7XsAmDnIBvjOoLTAPPZ2GWBI1q7JL8fcmlQq1c/edit#gid=0

    • - Kérdőív eredménye


      Röviden értékelném a kérdőív eredményeit, ha már megtiszteltetek azzal, hogy kitöltöttétek. Utólag is köszönöm mindenkinek, aki vette a fáradtságot!

      A kitöltök 85%-a válaszolta azt, hogy fizetne a tippjeimért, ami egyrészt megtisztelő, másrészt végül is papírforma, hiszen csak azok kapták meg az e-mailt, akik valamilyen platformon követnek :)

      Akik fizetnek, azoktól az átlagos ár körülbelül 25€-ra jött ki és nem is gondolnám, hogy ettől merőben eltérne majd az az összeg, amibe kerülni fogok, ha egyszer lesz egyéni előfizetés. A leggyakoribb válasz egyébként a 20€ volt (40%).

      Az eredményességet illetően széles skálán mozogtunk, és nem mondom, hogy nem voltak közte irreális elvárások :D Nagy átlagban 5 és 10% közötti ROI-t írtatok. Akik azt írták, hogy 15% körüli ROI stabilan, azoknak annyit tudok mondani, hogy ez soha nem lesz. Az én tippszámommal ez hosszútávon nem kivitelezhető, de az is igaz, hogy alapvetően a tippszámon csökkenteni fogok, így az eredményesség nőhet. De ha havi 100 tippel konstans 10% ROI-t fogok hozni, akkor nem leszünk szomorúak, de nem is 20-30€ körül lesz az áram :D Néhány euróban vagy egységben adták meg a profitot, teljesen reális tartományban.

      A mire van szükséged tőlem kérdésre a legtöbben az indoklást és a profitot írtátok :) Utóbbit nem tudom megígérni, előbbit viszont igen. Bár önmagában a lapos tippeket nehéz mindig változatosan indokolni, illetve sietnem is kell ezekkel gyakran, azt biztosan mondhatom, hogy az egyéni előfizetés bevezetésekor a tippek túlnyomó részéhez előbb vagy utóbbé érkezik indoklás. 

      Az egyéb visszajelzéseknél nem volt igazán minta, sokan szeretnék vissza a "betes varint"... nos, én is :) Többen jeleztétek, hogy a kombikat nem szeretik, más pedig azt, hogy imádja és kér még. Szóval konszenzus az nincs.

      Ha majd egyszer megérkezik a várva várt rendszer, ígérem, mindenre lesz válaszom, tervem. Már sok dolog van a fejemben, úgyhogy felkészülten várom ezt az időszakot.

      Köszönöm még egyszer a kitöltéseket, ha pedig bármi kérdésetek lenne, Discordon keressetek nyugodtan privátban.

    • - Kérdőív az árról


      Az alábbiakban egy kérdőívet találtok, ami még kicsit a jövőre szól (az esetleges egyéni előfizetésről), de érdekel az őszinte véleményetek a szolgáltatásom értékéről, színvonaláról. Az őszinte válaszok hozzásegítenek, hogy akár a szolgáltatásomat is úgy alakítsam át, ahogyan az az előfizetőknek/feliratkozóknak a legjobb.

      A kérdőív anonim, hogy a legőszintébb visszajelzéseket kapjam meg.

      Hálásan köszönöm, ha kitöltöd :)


    • - Kérdőív az árról


      Az alábbiakban egy kérdőívet találtok, ami még kicsit a jövőre szól (az esetleges egyéni előfizetésről), de érdekel az őszinte véleményetek a szolgáltatásom értékéről, színvonaláról. Az őszinte válaszok hozzásegítenek, hogy akár a szolgáltatásomat is úgy alakítsam át, ahogyan az az előfizetőknek/feliratkozóknak a legjobb.

      A kérdőív anonim, hogy a legőszintébb visszajelzéseket kapjam meg.

      Hálásan köszönöm, ha kitöltöd :)


    • - Card tips again next week!

      From next week, the cards tips, which have been on hiatus for months, will be back. 

      We'll focus mainly on the Spanish market, with the occasional German and French, and very rarely Italian. CL & EL will remain, hopefully with better efficiency than this week.

      NB I will also restart next weekend, so there will be plenty of ammunition.

      Good luck us all!

    • - 2024 - the year of transition

      The year is not quite over yet, but with the end of the Hungarian football calendar, it's about time to take stock of what happened in 2024, which I call the year of transition. It's not much of a conundrum, and that's because the TMP-Vegas combo has made my job of card betting considerably more difficult.

      And the result says a lot: 1090 picks, -35 units on Logibet and we're about -10 units on Discord right now.

      I really don't want to break things up right now, but both Hungarian football and card betting, the two most important markets, finished in the red. That's why, for example, I've taken the NB III tips, and we've also taken a break in the card markets.

      If we break down the card tips separately, the German, French and Spanish card tips were all in the red, with the Italian card tips making a small plus. The international card tips ended up with the best stattal, but this also had a 3% ROI, which is not good enough.

      I'm not going to ignore the card picks completely, but I need to think about what I can do with TMP and Vegas at the moment. It's almost certain that I'm going to be steady at 30-40 picks a month, 50-60 at the most.

      I don't have a fully fledged plan for 2025 yet, you'll notice anyway :)

      I'll probably start the year at a slower pace with lower stakes card tips, I'll continue to softball the Hungarian offices.

    • - Autumn changes

      Dear subscribers,

      As you may have noticed, there are no flat tips this week for the weekend, which is no coincidence. Since it's been almost a year since the introduction of the TMP+Vegas combo, I took stock and was faced with a painful statistic.

      The fact is that, so far, I have failed to make a profit on TMP and Vegas, which is a sample of hundreds. Unfortunately, the Spanish and French tile markets have also let us down, so some rethinking is needed. I suspected that it would be difficult to get used to the world without Bet365 cards, but the result is still bad even if we can't talk about a big minus.

      The exception for now is the international cups, there was a profit in those, so I'll leave those cautiously but. 

      NB III also gets a scythe, where no meaningful profit is made, unfortunately.

      In the near future, the focus will therefore remain on Hungarian football and the flat markets of the international cup, but even these will be moderate, mainly because of the new format.

      I have no plans to abandon the flat markets in the top leagues, but a review is definitely needed, which will take time.

      I am sorry that these few months have not worked out as I had planned, but we will adapt as we have adapted before :)

      Keep us going!

    • - Season start

      We're getting close to the start of the season, so I'm starting to get my head around how to start the new year.

      With the introduction of Tippmixpro last year, a completely new situation has arisen that even I have had to learn and get to know.

      As you can see from the stats, so far the TMP+Vegas picks have yielded +60 units, although after 800 picks, this is somewhere around 1.5% ROI, which is not real. Without Érd-Dunaföldvár this would be below 0.

      As for the card bets, we are definitely struggling, as indicated by the -55 units we have achieved so far with the card bets.

      Within that, the Italian is a big minus, the German a small minus, the Spanish a small plus and the French a slightly bigger plus.

      These are not very good results for the moment, but obviously 90-100 picks is not a big conclusion to draw. Probably next season the Spanish-French line will be stronger, leaving the Italian line is a necessity, I will try to implement it this time :)

      What's positive so far is obviously Hungarian football (again, Érd-Földvár, but we need those too...), we're around 12% ROI here after 118 picks. There will probably be a lot of Hungarian football tips, I feel TMP is the most beatable here.

      So all in all, we don't expect big changes, but it is possible that the number of tips and the number of flat tips will decrease a bit. Then we'll see if any of the bookies in the card markets will make a change.

    • - 2023-2024 - Plans, results, etc.

      As the year draws to a close, it's time to draw conclusions. Exceptionally, I won't go into much detail about this year, because it's not really relevant... In the new era of the Tippmixpro, it is useless to write about how good our year was in principle, but it doesn't matter. But I'm very happy that, unlike 2022, we ended 2023 with a solid plus - 600 units and 6.7% ROI.

      What's more important is the future and the first experience of the new period.

      In my opinion, we won't really have a problem with Tippmixpro either. So far everything is going as I expected, i.e.

      - much fewer tips
      - ROI around 8% so far
      - many under tips

      For next year I expect pretty much no changes. Around 80-120 picks per month, hopefully with at least 5-6% ROI, mainly French picks, secondarily Spanish, Italian, German and other card picks, sometimes Hungarian picks.

      The average stake will increase a bit, but the number of tips will drop by half compared to usual. So the recommended bankroll management of 0.3% will be increased to 0.5% for the time being, and then we can adjust it later.

      What I am also pleased about is that the discord tipping will also be closed at around 0. I will probably use Discord more for flat ideas in the future, especially Unibet card picks.

      If you have questions, feel free to post on Discord.

      Happy holidays everyone and have a good rest :)

    • - Life after Bet365

      I would also like to briefly inform my followers abroad about the changes.

      With Bet365 out of the picture, we will be able to look for typical booking tips from two Hungarian bookmakers, where the selection is a bit narrower. So there will be a massive predominance of under/over type bets, especially from the Bundesliga.

      There will be a new bankroll management recommendation and the average stake will increase, but the number of picks may decrease significantly.

      I'll report back with more, but I think we're in for a good few months with fewer picks, but anything below 7-8% ROI is going to be a disappointment for me :)

    • - 2 weeks break

      Because of summer holiday there won't be any picks from 13th of Sept to 24th.

    • - My personal advice about the blocking

      As you may have heard, banks will block international betting transactions from 1st of July. Since my service is heavily affected by betting with Bet365, I thought I'd write some thoughts.

      As for me, I luckily have a Bet365 account with Skrill, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't be too worried about the impact. Personally, I think the bookmakers will somehow work out a way to allow credit card (or transfer) deposits, if not expand the deposit options in some way.

      I'm not worried about anyone's money being stuck on Bet365 in the long term, but it's worth being prepared in the knowledge that it may not be possible to get access to it within 1-2 weeks.

      My advice to depositors is to have a bankroll of sufficient size at Bet365, because money will not get stuck, but it may not be possible to replenish it for a few days or weeks.

      As far as I am concerned, tipping and betting will continue unchanged. Of course, if Logibet makes any changes to the list of betting shops, I will be able to adapt to that without any problems.

    • - The upcoming months

      Long story short: There will be much fewer picks in the next month. Until the start of the most important leagues, there will be just a couple of friendly games maybe, but not much.

      I will keep you updated what will hapen from August.

      (Hungarian message is more detailed but it's about the same)

    • - Just a short summary

      Same in English :)

    • - World Cup-picks

      Same in English :)

    • - Következő 2 hónap


      Csak röviden arról, mi is lesz a következő két hónapban... 

      A vb kezdetéig még 2 spanyol, 3 német és 3 olasz fordulót rendeznek, vagyis igencsak masszív két hét vár ránk, unatkozni nem fogunk. Viszont a vb alatt vélhetően én a Logibeten takaréklángon fogok égni, legalábbis a hagyományos lapos fogadások alighanem elmaradnak. Őszintén szólva nem a vb a legjobb terep a lapozásra, sok a kevésbé ismert stílusú csapat, rengeteg az ismeretlen játékvezető, így szerintem 1-2 kivételtől eltekintve nem fogok foglalkozni a lapos fogadásokkal. Normál tippek várhatóak, de szerintem az sem sok.

      Igazság szerint rengeteg munkánk lesz a Hatháromnál a vb alatt, a tippadás így kicsit nálam háttérbe szorul majd, de szerencsére rengeteg jó tipster akad a bandában, szóval nem aggódom :P

      Remélem, sikerül megnyomni szépen ezt a 2 hetet és végül a november-december pluszban zárja le az évet.

    • - Plans for the upcoming season

      Same in English ;)

    • - Some kind of break. Or so...

      There will be some kind of break at the second part of May and in June. More information in Hungarian :)

    • - Just a little recap

      You can translate t.

    • - Card picks

      Please join to the Discord server where I publis first the card picks, after publishing to Logibet... I hope that the upcoming feature (push notification) will fix this problem, however these are extremely valueable markets with huge value.

    • - Cashout from Schouten picks!

      Cashout from Schouten picks!

    • - Join the Discord-server to catch the biggest values

      Unfortunately the lines and the odds are really vulnerable at my card picks. Therefore I'm going to send these picks to my Discord live channel first. If you don't want to miss the biggest values, join to Discord and follow my live channel.

    • - Changes from July

      Same in English. If you want to know the details read it in Hungarian or contact me at Discord.

    • - Cashout from Messi card bets

      He won't start therefore we must cashout.

    • - Recap of 2020 and plans for 2021

      Same in English.

    • - Short recap of December

      Same in English

    • - Last round in CL

      Stay tuned, the CL Bet Builder and Card picks will be coming in Monday and Tuesday. It will be a really interesting 2 days.

    • - Cashout from Gladbach-Schalke picks

      Gräfe will be the referee, therefore we should cashout.

    • - Cashout from Budafok-Honvéd

      Honvéd asked to postpone the match, however it won't happen for sure. We can cashout from this bet without any loss.

    • - Cashout from Szentlőrinc-Csákvár

      We're going to put the stake to DNB.

    • - Bundesliga 2020/21

      Same in English :)

    • - Recap of August, plans for September

      Same in English :)

    • - Not the best start ever...

      Same in English.

    • - What happened in July...

      Same in English...

    • - Plans for July

      Same in English! If you have questions, contact me at Discord.

    • - Recap of June

    • - Cashout from the Bet Builders at Mainz-Bremen and place it again!

      You can cashout from the bet builders without loss and place it again with better odds.

    • - Pick up 10 units from Mainz-Bremen over

      Instead of 20 units, keep just 10 units for Mainz-Bremen over 4.5 cards. Gräfe will be the referee unfortunately. The rest if the picks remain.

    • - Cashout from Fejsa picks

      He won't start.

    • - Plans for June

      Same in English ;)

    • - Superb May

      Same in English ;)

    • - Welcome to the new subscribers

      Same in English :)

    • - Cashout from the Bremen-Leverkusen

      There was a referee change at this match, the referee won't be Gräfe as it was published before. It's strongly advised that cashout from the Bet365 pick and you may also take the over 3.5 cards bet to avoid the minus units at the under 3.5 pick.

    • - Summer of 2020

      Same in English :)

    • - Back in business

      Because of the current situation I'm going to postpone my break until October. Therefore I'm going to publish some picks in the next weeks. Good luck us all :)

    • - Service break

      I'm glad that the last week went well and maybe I can go on service break at master level again :)

      See you at the end of April, good luck until then!

    • - Upcoming service break

      I'll be on break from 2nd of March until 23 of April. I'm going to have a lot of other things to do and I feel that I have to freshen up myself to the publishing picks and the betting give me more satisfaction and pleasure. More details in Hungarian.

    • - Cashout from the Frankfurt-Union picks

      I found an incorrect information about the referee of this match. 

      You may cashout from the picks without any loss.

    • - Discord

      It doesn't relevant if you are not at Discord.

    • - Additional stakes to Juve-Fio

      +2 units to over 2+2
      +4 units to over 1+1
      +4 units to over 4

    • - Australian Open 2020

      If you're interested in the details (and you're not Hungarian), contact me at info@logibet.com. Anyway, you can read the Hungarian version.

    • - 2019 recap and 2020 plans

      Use Google translate :) If something is not clear please contact me at info@logibet.com. 

    • - The rest of the year and the brazilian source

      Dear Clients, Subscribers!

      We'll summarize 2019 soon, but what's sure is, that we were not bored during the year.
      The last one and a half month of the year will present us a lot of opportunities for betting. We'll follow the English soccer and many picks can be expected for the Darts World Championship also.

      I am planning to enlarge the sources from next year I use, I'll leverage more external/foreign support, I'll share more details about these later on.
      I followed up with our Brasil source, and we can expect picks from the same expert from January, same form, hopefully same efficiency.

      As for live betting, I am confident that by reducing tennis - and preferring Hungarian soccer more succes to come, my aim is to get good results in that area also.

      I'll send you a follow up by the end of December, or early January at latest. Until that - I wish a lot of succesful bets for all of us!

    • - Over 200 units profit in 1 and a half month

      Dear subscribers,

      Despite the weaker closing of the week, we have had some fantastic weeks behind us. In the 6 weeks of September and October, our profit went to over 200 units which is insanely good.

      I hope you're going to follow me and we're going to have as fantastic weeks as before!

    • - Another great year is expected!

      Dear Subscribers, 2016 is behind us, let's summarize the results: I had 3208 picks, resulting in +530 units in total, which stands for an around 3.3% of ROI.

      Tennis, darts and handball brought the best results, but we had a succesful run with soccer and baseball also.

      As for the plans for 2017: I already mentioned to you, that I am planning on major changes in selecting my picks. My intention is better total result with the decreasing number of selections, I will filter or disregard those events (like college basketball, college football) with worse numbers, and I am focusing on those in which I had better results.

      We'll surely have soccer goalscorer bets, higher odds tennis picks and NHL for the current year.

      I am happy to summarize the last year with a nice gain in spite of the very weak September-October. The succesful year ending resulted me being a Senior Tipster again, but my intention is to become a Master.

      I wish a succesful (Happy New) Year to everybody with a lot of winnings!

    • - New year, brand new attitude

      Dear Customers/Friends,

      During our recent months, we had a lot of "ups" and "downs", due to the large number of picks mostly. I am not satisfied with the results, although we had really succesful periods in addition to the weaker ones - for this reason, I am planning major changes from January. More than one sources will not be used and a few sports won't be offered by me in the future, which will result in a  strong decline in the number of total picks. The reason for this is, that many leagues prove, that these are not ideal for betting, so we should discontinue betting on them. On the other hand I will focus on those going well, and I will adjust my stake/balance management also. I will enhance the level of service by adding a background in English to most of my picks.

      My goal is to be on Master level by the start of summer, but for this, I have to be more careful when making picks.

      I will notify you in the first days of January, what are the exact changes.

      I wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a lot of success!

    • - Back in the game - Junior again!

      After some really weak weeks I could step back on the right way again with a fantastic last week of October. I hope the streak continues and I can reach the peak of the mountain again. Many picks (soccer, ice hockey, basketball, american football, tennis) expected as always.

      Thank you for your patience and supporting even at the worst period. Good luck us all as always!

    • - Regular monthly update - September

      It seems, September is a disaster month for me in Logibet. I'm deeply sorry the last few weeks, however we still have many many units from the previous year's great performance.

      Of course, I won't give up, many American Football and Soccer tips coming in the rest of the year.

      Good luck us all as always!

    • - Regular monthly update

      Dear Members and Subscribers!

      I feel the correct thing is to contact you not just if I win, but during a losing streak also. Unfortunately the mid of July and the start of August were not succesful, probably this period won't reach a positive total result.

      Those who joined me for a long time, may feel that this bad period is not that much of a hurt, as during previous months we earned hundreds of units - but this is of course not an excuse for the current streak. Unfortunately balls drop on the wrong side now, this happens...

      All in all, we have a fantastic year, if everything will go the same way for the rest of 2016, months like this wouldn't be an issue.

      A few words from the upcoming picks: the MLB is not faring well, but I'll do hard work to change this. I expect a major change from the soccer bets - especially the goalscorer picks. These earned us a huge profit in the past, but as Logibet changed rules (pick-time-limit is 30 minutes now), I expect even higher success rate from this.

      Thank you in advance for your continuous trust, we will get back on track!

    • - 1 week break

      Dear users!

      I'm going to go on holiday and get some rest. The tipster service is paused until 19th of July.

      Good luck to all and don't forget the other two master tipsters, Tomihmv and mr.blonde.

    • - Another superb month - keep on winning!

      Dear Subscribers, Members and Buyers!

      First of all, I'd like to thank you to all who filled in the questionnaire - the credit refund for this has already been made! I forwarded the results to the Logibet Management, your ideas will be used to improve our service.

      As for my results - I can only write the same, what I did before: My current - outstanding - tipster results even had me suprised. My numbers are more than excellent, still, we should take in mind, that downturns will happen eventually, but I am confident, that we can handle that also.

      To summarize the results: Since the horrible month of September-2015, I gave 1453 (!) pick, which won +664 units (!!!) in total, which is an around 10% ROI. Baseball brought a 10.3% ROI after 300 picks, and tennis is at 23% ROI after 200 picks. Soccer is 430 picks / 10% ROI. All my favourite sports went really well. Thanks to all who kept up with me after the disasterous September - it was a profiting decision to do so. I hope that a lot of you had winnings after my succesful free picks also.

      Free picks: I gave you a huge number of free picks in the past, a lot more than every tenth pick was free - I have to reduce the number of these, from now on only every tenth pick will be without charge.

      About next weeks: The end of the European Soccer Championship is nigh, but this won't mean less picks. The NB1 starts again soon, and we don't have to wait a lot for the top soccer leagues also. The European Cups are already at qualification stage, so we'll have a plenty of events to select from.

      During summer season, there will be some vacation for me also, you can expect some short periods, where you won't get picks for a few days, I need a short break to be able to return after a rest, and start again with a clear head. I will notify you in advance from these short  periods.

      I encourage you to join me and the other great tipsters of Logibet, and take advantage of the great period we are having.

      I wish you a Nice Summer & rest, and a lot of winnings for all of us!

    • - Online survey for free credits

      Dear subscribers and buyers!

      Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey concerning my betting style and to give some useful advise to upgrade my service.

      Those who fill the survey, I'm going to give 3 extra more free picks in the next 50 picks.

      Thank you for your kind help!

      To fill the survey please click here!

    • - Busy June coming up!

      Dear Subscribers and Members,

      We are just after an eventful May month, which I started as a "Master tipster", fell back to "Senior" rank, than became a "Master" again. All in all, May was an acceptable period, it brought us some nice profit with many picks.

      June started a bit slower, with extreme results. Either everything was green, or all picks failed - there was no middle way.

      The forthcoming month will bring us a lot of excitement, as interesting tennis tournaments will start just after the end of Roland Garros - not to mention the European soccer Championship and Copa America. There will be no big change in the number of bets, you can expect a lot of picks, which will hopefully result in a decent profit.

      As before, I am planning to bring you many free picks, part of them will be longterms, but as usual, the late-MLB-picks will mostly be free for you - to not to miss them due to the late start!

      I am confident that the next month will be succesful again with a lot of green picks for the EC tournament!

      I wish a lot of success for all of us, let us win big, and let the bookies weep! slightsmile emoticon

    • - New level, same strategy

      Dear Subscribers and Buyers!

      I am happy to inform you, that I joined the "Master" tipster group from today - which is a great achievement.
      For this reason, I wanted to send you a short reminder, what can be expected from me within the forthcoming weeks
      and months.

      As the European top soccer championships already ended, this may result in a decreasing number of soccer picks,
      but no need to worry - the MLB and a few Roland Garros picks will compensate this.

      I am confident, that we are ahead of some equally effective months, as before.

      I wish us the best luck and a lot of "green" picks!

    • - After a fantastic month...

      Dear Subscribers and Logibet members!

      A great month is behind us, and I'm really satisfied with the results from April. Baseball brought the most "green" picks, but ice-hockey and tennis went also well, and the soccer results were also in positive balance. I will do my best to give you a similar profitable month for May, still, it won't be easy to reach a similar 11%+ ROI in 170 picks.
      As you can see, some bad series happened in the past, but it's important to see the overall picture in these times, and continue the hard work - which I promise to do so.

      You cannot expect big changes for the current month, you'll get some picks from the last rounds of soccer leagues, and I will continue bringing MLB picks. The two major leagues' playoffs (NHL and NBA) will be on the menu, possibly with some longterm bets also. The stakes won't change: MLB will usually be with 5 units, as before, but you can also expect some low stake, higher odds bets (with 3-4x odds).

      I hope you will join me for these exciting weeks, and I will keep up with the picks and analyses. I wish all of us many winners and Good Luck!

    • - Get on the mound!

      Dear Subscribers and Registered members!

      Following the spectacular January and February, the March month wasn't as succesful as I'd wanted, and also the beginning of April is not the best either. It's not a suprise, that after 2 months like this, a few worse weeks will eventually fall in, unfortunately this is part of betting and giving picks.

      Unluckily those "1 points" which brought bets in for 2 months in a row, those last second baskets were missed in the recent weeks - or the "other" team scored it. I lost many NCAA picks with 1 points, but this is part of being a tipster.

      The second part of March was slower for me, but this is over! From the beginning of April, you can expect a lot of action, as the MLB season is starting, from which I will bring you many picks, but - as usual - I will bet on different scale of sport events also.

      I hope the MLB season will bring the results just the same, as the last rounds of the soccer championships & the NHL playoff.

      I wish many winnings picks, and a succesful period for all of us!

    • - Keep on winning!

      Dear Friends and Clients,

      I'd like to thank to you all who trusted me in February - in spite of my "not-that-succesful" previous period - when I reached senior rank again.

      I hope you could earn strong profit from my picks - first part of February resulted in +53 units.

      My betting stlye won't change in the future. As high-odds goalscorer picks brought the major part of my result, I'll keep focusing on these, but you can also expect tennis, ice-hockey and basketball picks from me also.

      I am confident, that we'll keep up with the very strong February results, and we'll inflict major damage on the bookies! :)

    • - Never give up!

      Unfortunaly a losing streak is also part of a tipster's life. I have to admit, that during the last few weeks,
      I had a bad streak. The decline just came after I became a senior tipster, which is the worst timing.
      I don't want to find excuses, but the many "last minute" losses, and unreal results from "already-nearly-won"
      events really hurt my results.

      Most surely I will continue my tipster career on rookie or junior level in the future,
      and I am committed to bring better results. I am sure, that nor my betting strategy or my money management
      caused the losses alone, so I am not planning in changing these - as I haven't changed these when I
      became a senior tipster.

      Simply, I need a bit more luck.

      If you join me, I appreciate your trust, and promise, that I will do as hard background work as I can,
      to give you the best picks possible.

      I wish you a lot of winner picks either with me or another talented tipster of Logibet.

    • - Here Comes the NFL!

      Dear Friends, Clients and Followers,

      The long wait is over, the NFL season starts at Friday night. On this special occasion, I found it important to let you know what can you expect from me for the upcoming season.
      My last season brought a very strong 6.57% ROI on 73 picks, and I won't be satisfied with less this year.

      My specialties are the player special bets offered by bet365. You can expect these picks between Friday evening and Saturday morning. I also often find huge value in picking money line and handicap winners shortly after the odds are first offered (usually around Monday-Tuesday). I will also serve you a few bolder picks with better than even oddses - mostly on "to score first touchdown" bets.

      As for the stakes, there won't be any change in this - I will bet 4-5 units on med-value picks, and 6+ on the stronger picks.
      The bolder (bigger odds) selections will go with 2-3 units.

      I will keep posting picks on other sport events also, mainly on Hungarian NB I and Italian Serie A games.

      I wish all the best of luck for you, and a lot of winning picks & huge profit for the NFL season - I am sure I can meet your expectations.

      Kind regards,