s.z. (14)
Logibet index
1788/ 5003
19151915 / 4271
549549 / 1569
871871 / 1599
Avg. odds
Win rate
60.8% Won39.2% Lost0% Money back
Tip count176
  • There are currently no tips available in this section
  • Hi!

    I'm Drazan. 

    My profile table tennis. My goal is to reach the senior/master category.

    There are no low odds of 1.25-1.5 here.Average odds are well over 2.About 57-60% hit rate thanks to my professional analysis system.7-10 winning odds in a row are also quite possible.

    Unfortunately, the odds change quickly, so it is recommended to bet at the moment of sending, but it is not my fault.

    Tippmixpro can only handle bets of about 9-10thousand.

    The tips are also available in Hungary at the Vegas office, slightly delayed and usually at slightly lower odds.


    Let's win together.


    08. 06.: I don't understand this page! ROI OVER 17%! Profit increases by 30 units, despite this, STB prices are halved(!!!), The PRO value also drops drastically(!!!). ??? My index value should already be over 2000! After that, It's not fair!  I'll think about sending more tips here...


    • - Info

      No more table tennis tips, all my existing tipmixpro accounts have been restricted. Unfortunately, I started sending it here late, but a Hungarian friend of mine convinced me for a long time, I should have done it earlier, I didn't think that tipmixpro would eat up several accounts in a few months. When the big basketball leagues start, that's where the tips come from. The current small market tips don't even last 1 minute, so I can't post them here.
    • - Info

      I don't understand this page! 

      ROI OVER 17%! Profit increases by 30 units, despite this, STB prices are halved, The PRO value also drops drastically. ??? My index value should already be over 2000! 

      After that, I'll think about sending more tips here...

    • - freedom

      I'm free until the end of July. There will be tips again from August 1. I hope I can send more table tennis tips, but whoever bet them all this month can't complain about the 90% winning rate. Obviously, the 90% hit rate is unrealistic, in the case of several tips, around 57-60% is realistic. I don't have macro odds for table tennis. The basket tips are also coming back, if I look at the statistics of the previous two years, it is promising. Let's win together! Dražan
    • - Table tennis tips

      There is huge potential in table tennis tips. Unfortunately, I can't post all the tips. Tippmixpro quickly reduces the odds, but it is worth playing even at lower odds. There will be negative days, but in a month's time, the end will be positive. Hi, Dražan