  • This is how the levels of Logibet changed - the tipsters will receive larger paychecks

    It is going to be more difficult to reach senior level but easier to fall back to the rookie.
    In the past few weeks, one of the major focus in Logibet's development was to smoothen the level-based system. The ones which were set a couple of years ago are still relevant of course, but it is fair to say that some small adjustments were necessary. The following changes were made in order to give more to the ones who are running high and motive those, who have harder times to serve the subscribers.
    The cutback of the Rookie-level point was important because we got several complaints that the Newbie-level limit took away the tipsters spirit, and those who operate with a large number of tips cannot make the best of it. With the point-reduction we want to give more space to the upcoming talents - so they can show in a few weeks that they can provide value pick regularly.
    The most important thing, of course, is still to serve our subscribers so it is heavily recommended to write a brief justification with the tips and to be in contact with the subscribers.
    The point limit of the Junior-level remains 1200, but the Senior is going up to 2000 from 1800. The reason for this is Logibet want to make a more fair payment structure, and with this, the best tipsters of the site will receive more than before.  Another reason is that the tipsters below 2000 points tend to stick around because of their high experience and stability not because of their profitable picks. This is why the Logibet-index is going to change shortly, and the most important factor is going to be profitability.
    As you can see from the adjustments, Logibet is trying hard to evaluate its best tipsters, those, who add much to the success of the site with their outstanding performance.
    Join Logibet, and try out yourself as a tipster or a subscriber.
    Logibet - Finding the edge.
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