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Note: Bankroll Management : Bet Stake 1pt=15% From Bank , Always Bet Stake 15% From Bank , Win or Lose the Next Bet Stake must be 15% From Bank
And one more options you can use, in case of lose next bet stake 3 time more of last loses stake =3pt and in case of win or lose 3pt next stake must be still 1pt=15% From Bank
See the example spreadsheets for each bet , you can copy below links, each spreadsheet for each bet , 3 bets daily with separate stake bet
Bet 1
Bet 2
Bet 3
Example : Your Bank is 1000 $
1 Day Bet Stake is 1pt=15 % From Bank is 150 $ to 1.30 odds Win = 195 $ - 150 $ = 45 $ Profit so Bank is 1 045 $
2 Day Bet Stake is 1pt=15 % From Bank is 156,75 $ to 1.30 odds Win = 203,75 $ - 156,75 $ = 47 $ Profit so Bank is 1 092 $
3 Day Bet Stake is 1pt=15 % From Bank is 163,80 $ to 1.30 odds Win = 212,95 $ - 163,80 $ = 49 $ Profit so Bank is 1 141 $